
  • Independent writer, researcher and policy consultant. Areas of work include public health, demography, education, access to justice, and corporate social responsibility. Long-term associate with UK policy consultancy River Path Associates.
  • Track record of collaboration with public sector organisations including Harvard School of Public Health, FCDO, UNICEF, the British Council, New York University Center on International Cooperation, the World Economic Forum, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, and with NGOs including INDEPTH Network (Ghana), Sonke Gender Justice (South Africa), CREA (India), Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies (South Africa) and 2020health (UK).

Services offered

  • Strategic consultancy: Reviews of policies and programmes; strategy development.
  • Research: Design and execution of action-oriented research projects; analysis of quantitative and qualitative data; reporting of research outputs.
  • Writing: Think pieces on international development; academic papers; fundraising applications; policy briefs; speech writing.


Peer-reviewed journal articles

‘Births and deaths must be registered in Africa’ with Osman Sankoh and others, The Lancet, January 2020

‘Mental Health in Africa’ with Osman Sankoh and Stephen Sevalie, The Lancet Global Health, August 2018

‘Tackling Malnutrition: A Systematic Review of 15-year research evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance systems’ with Samuelina Arthur et al, Global Health Action, November 2015

‘Prevention, treatment and future challenges of HIV/AIDS: A decade of INDEPTH research’ with Osman Sankoh et al, HIV & AIDS Review, August 2014

‘The history and impact of HIV/AIDS: A decade of INDEPTH research’ with Osman Sankoh et al, HIV & AIDS Review, June 2014

‘Men and development: Politicizing Masculinities’ with Dean Peacock, Angelica Pino, Gender & Development, Vol. 20:3, November 2012

‘Framing male circumcision to promote its adoption in different settings’ with FD Gilliam, RA Brooks, AA Leibowitz, LE Klosinski, S Sawires, G Szekeres and TJ Coates, AIDS and Behavior, Vol. 14, No. 5, October 2010

‘Gender empowerment and health: What is it? How does it work?’ with Anke Ehrhardt, Sharif Sawires, Teri McGovern and Dean Peacock, AIDS: 51, Suppl. 3, July 2009

‘Male circumcision and HIV prevention: Looking to the future’ with Ronald Brooks, Mark Etzel, Lee Klosinski, Arleen Leibowitz, Sharif Sawires, Greg Szekeres and Tom Coates, AIDS and Behavior, Vol. 13, No. 1, February 2009

‘Men and Care in the Context of HIV and AIDS: Structure, Political Will and Greater Male Involvement’ with Dean Peacock, United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, October 2008

‘Wealth, health, HIV and the economics of hope’ with Tony Barnett, AIDS, Vol. 22, Suppl. 2, August 2008

‘Living with HIV in the 21st Century’ with Thomas J. Coates, Brent Hanson, Vishal A. Patel, Greg Szekeres, and Robert Remien, UCLA Program in Global Health for the Ford Foundation, March 2008

‘HIV/AIDS: A Growing Concern to Business’ with David Bloom, Lakshmi Reddy Bloom, Paul De Lay, Fiona Paua and Richard Samans, World Economics, Vol. 8, No. 4, October-December 2007

‘Business and AIDS: Sectoral Challenges and Opportunities’ with Gavin Churchyard, David Mametja, James McIntyre, Fazel Randera, AIDS, Vol. 21, Suppl. 3, July 2007

‘The Value of Vaccination’ with David Bloom and David Canning, World Economics, Vol. 6, No. 3, July–September 2005

‘Governance Matters: The role of Governance in Asian Economic Development’ with David Bloom and David Steven, World Economics, Vol. 5, No. 4, December 2004


‘Young People and the Social Contract,’ UNICEF, June 2022

‘The Benefits of Access to Justice for Economies, Societies and the Social Contract: A Literature Review,’ Open Government Partnership, May 2022

‘Justice for All and the Social Contract in Peril,’ Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, October 2021

‘Preventing Violence in Informal Settlements in the Age of COVID-19,’ Impact:Peace, University of San Diego, December 2020

‘Justice for All and the Economic Crisis,’ Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, July 2020

‘Justice for All and the Public Health Emergency,’ Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, April 2020

‘Justice for All,’ Task Force on Justice, May 2019

‘Next Generation Kenya,’ British Council/DFID, April 2018

‘Next Generation Tanzania,’ British Council, October 2016

‘Working Together: Promoting work as a health outcome as the NHS reforms,’ 2020health, December 2011

‘Take Care: The Future Funding of Social Care,’ 2020health, June 2011

‘Nigeria: The Next Generation Report,’ British Council/Harvard School of Public Health, September 2010

‘Not Immune: UK Vaccination Policy in a Changing World,’ 2020health, March 2009

‘Tackling Tuberculosis: The Business Response’, World Economic Forum, April 2008, Geneva

‘Business and Malaria: A Neglected Threat?’ World Economic Forum, August 2006, Geneva

‘Business and HIV/AIDS: A Healthier Partnership?’ World Economic Forum, January 2006, Geneva

‘Business and HIV/AIDS in Asia: Pushing Back the Tide’, World Economic Forum, August 2005, Geneva

‘Commitment and Action? A Global Review of the Business Response to HIV/AIDS 2004-2005’, World Economic Forum, January 2005, Geneva

‘Business and HIV/AIDS: Who Me? A Global Review of the Business Response to HIV/AIDS 2003-2004’, World Economic Forum, December 2003, Geneva

‘Girls’ education in developing countries: Mind the gap’, Wide Angle, September 2003.

Books AnD BOOK chapters

‘The Big Squeeze: Nigeria on the Brink’, in The New Politics of Strategic Resources. Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C, 2014

‘The Ringtone and the Drum’, a travel book on West Africa, Zero Books, 2012

‘Continental Drift: globalization, liberalization and sustainable human development in Sub-Saharan Africa’, with David Bloom, in Solving the Riddle of Globalization and Development. Routledge, UK. 2008

‘Liberalization, economic growth and sustainable human development in Asia: learning from the miracle workers’, with David Bloom, in Solving the Riddle of Globalization and Development. Routledge, UK. 2008

‘The Three Spheres – Experiences from Latin America, Africa and Asia’, in Solving the Riddle of Globalization and Development. Routledge, UK. 2008

‘Asia’s Economies and the Challenge of HIV/AIDS’, Asian Development Bank, 2004

Newspaper, ONLINE and magazine articles, and radio broadcasts

‘The Rise and Fall of the Nile Perch’ The Continent, August 2022

‘Illegal Fishing on Lake Victoria’ BBC World Service, From Our Own Correspondent, June 2022

‘Why Lake Victoria’s Saviour Fish is now the one that needs saving’ African Arguments, June 2022

‘Sudan’s Revolutionaries Turn their Attention to the Coronavirus’ BBC Radio 4, From Our Own Correspondent, May 2020

‘How to tackle COVID-19 in informal settlements’ Mail & Guardian, South Africa, March 2020

‘Coronavirus reaches Sudan, one of the countries least equipped to cope with it’ Mail & Guardian, South Africa, March 2020

‘Living in the Midst of Revolution: A Homage to Khartoum’ Mail & Guardian, South Africa, June 2019

‘Tongue-tied: How English-medium education hobbles Tanzania’s children’ Daily Maverick, August 2016

‘On the Frontier of Islam: The Maverick Mystics of Senegal’ Daily Maverick, May 2016

‘Jihadis of the Soul’ BBC Radio 4, From Our Own Correspondent, February 2016

‘The Slow Boat to Ukerewe’ Roads & Kingdoms, June 2015

‘Will Africa’s Industrial Revolution be Made in China?’ Africa Is A Country, April 2015

‘Why Africa’s Largest Lake is in Grave Danger’ Slate.com, March 2015

‘On Brewing Banana Beer’ Roads & Kingdoms, November 2014

‘The Witches of Ukerewe’ Roads & Kingdoms, June 2014

‘Rwanda Twenty Years On: The Dangers of Demography’ African Arguments, February 2014

‘They’ve Never Heard of Cheese’ Roads & Kingdoms, December 2013

‘Bubaque, Far Away’ Roads & Kingdoms, May 2013

‘The New Scramble for Africa’ EMEA Finance, May 2009

‘West Africa’s new resource curse’ EMEA Finance, February 2009

‘Broken windows and HIV: a different approach’ OPED, Mail & Guardian, South Africa, 1 December 2006

‘Breathing new life into basic solutions’ OPED, Business Day, South Africa, 15 November 2006

‘How the west’s health fads kill the poor’ OPED, Business Day South Africa and Accra Daily Mail, Ghana, 3 July 2006

‘Governance: Playing by a Simple Set of Rules’ with David Bloom and David Steven, South China Morning Post, October 2 2003

‘Governance in Asia: underpinning competitiveness in a global economy’ with David Bloom and David Steven, Project Syndicate OPED, multiple newspapers throughout the world, May 2003

Publications – editorial

Refereed journal articles

‘Africa’s Demographic Future: Why Africa should Take the Lead’, Osman Sankoh, Lancet Global Health, August 2016, Vol. 4, No. 8, e522

‘The Health and Poverty of Nations: From Theory to Practice’, David Bloom and David Canning, Journal of Human Development, March 2003, Vol. 4, No. 1, 47-71

‘Why Developing Countries Should Not Neglect Liberal Education’, David Bloom, Henry Rosovsky, Liberal Education, Vol. 89, no. 1, winter 2003, 16-23

‘The Unfinished Revolution: Universal Basic and Secondary Education’, David Bloom, Joel Cohen, Daedalus, Summer 2002, 84-95


‘Sexuality, Gender and Rights: Exploring Theory and Practice in South and Southeast Asia’, Geetanjali Misra and Radhika Chandiramani (eds.) Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2005

‘Economic Perspectives on Injecting Drug Use’, David Bloom, Ajay Mahal and Brendan O’Flaherty. In Michael Grossman and Bjorn Lundburg (eds.) Frontiers in Health Economics, Elsevier Science Publishers, 2005, Vol. 16: 381-405

‘Beyond Private Gain: The Public Benefits of Higher Education’, David Bloom, Matthew Hartley and Henry Rosovsky, in James J. F. Forest and Philip Altbach, eds., International Handbook of Higher Education, Volume I, forthcoming 2005

‘Raising the Pressure: Globalization and the Need for Higher Education Reform’, David Bloom in Glen A. Jones, Patricia L. McCarney, and Michael L. Skolnik, eds., Creating Knowledge, Strengthening Nations: The Changing Role of Higher Education, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005, 21-41

‘The Demography of Aging in Japan and the United States’, David Bloom, A. K. Nandakumar and Manjiri Bhawalkar, in Gail B. Hedges, ed., Aging and Health: Environment, Work and Behavior, Harvard University Printing and Publication, 2003

‘Jamaica: globalisation, liberalization and sustainable human development’, David Bloom, Ajay Mahal, Damien King, Fiorina Mugione, Aldrie Henry-Lee, Dillon Alleyne and Philip Castillo. Paper prepared for the UNCTAD/UNDP Programme on Globalisation, Liberalization and Sustainable Human Development, 2001


‘The Health and Wealth of Africa’ with David Bloom, background paper for 53rd Session of the World Health Organisation Regional Committee of Ministers of Health in Africa, September 2003

‘Reaching the Summit’, UK Government brochure for World Summit on Sustainable Development, August 2002

‘From Peril to Promise: How Higher Education can Deliver’, report of British Council/World Bank higher education seminar, Bath, UK, March 2002

‘AIDS and Economics’, David Bloom, Ajay Mahal and Jaypee Sevilla, paper prepared for Working Group 1 of the WHO Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, November 2001

‘Health, Wealth, AIDS and Poverty’, David Bloom and Jaypee Sevilla, Asian Development Bank, September 2001

‘Health, Wealth, AIDS and Poverty: the case of Cambodia’, David Bloom, Jaypee Sevilla, and River Path Associates, Asian Development Bank, September 2001

‘HIV/AIDS and the Private Sector: a literature review’, David Bloom, Ajay Mahal and River Path Associates, AmFAR, June 2001